Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lots of cards this weekend

I have been doing lots of cards this weekend.I am hoping to be able to sell some at work to stretch my budget. Here is one of my creations. This card opens in the center. It was actually was a mistake where I turned lemons into lemonade.
The giant flower by Prima. The center brad was by K&Company. I got both at Tuesday Morning. The better was in a boxed set from Michaels by Cheater. The little border down the center is done with a Stampin Up punch. Quick, pretty and turned a mistake into a nice card!

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh, Faye. I LUV This card! The colors are just magnificent and using the flower as the closure is sooooo creative! Perfect project. Lemons can be so inspiring, can't they?
    Sue S.
